Quince & Nootka Rose Hip Balsamic Jam

Quince & Nootka Rose Hip Balsamic Jam
….. a must-try new offering courtesy of Connor’s perseverance
A delicious new jam this year utilizing organic local quince from Shawnigan Lake and syrup from rose hips from the wild Nootka roses surrounding our vineyard. A little of our balsamic vinegar and cinnamon add just the right touch!
125 ml, refrigerate after opening and use within 6 weeks.
Connor harvested quince from a fabulous old organic tree in nearby Shawnigan Lake and the wild Nootka rose hips at our vineyard.
Michelle made a syrup from the rose hips to sweeten and flavour the jam. Quince contains adequate natural pectin to create this wonderful new jam. Some sugar, a little of our estate grown balsamic vinegar and a touch of cinnamon were all that was needed to create this wonderful new offering.
125 ml jars.
All profits benefit young Connor’s RESP.